

0 22 October 2014


What is drug abuse?

Drug abuse is a negative pattern of using a substance that can lead to physical, psychological, and social problems. Most people do not start using drugs expecting to develop a substance abuse problem—they see their drug use as a casual way to have fun. Unfortunately, once they start, many find it difficult to stop, and the habit eventually takes control over their lives. Many teenagers tell themselves they will only try a drug once, but after the first try, they are usually under peer pressure to continue experimenting with drugs. Don’t take the risk—not even once. Say “No” to drugs!

0 22 October 2014


Every year, more money is spent on advertising alcohol than any other consumer product. These images usually show well-built men surrounded by very attractive women all holding a particular alcoholic beverage. For men, the message is “If I drink this alcohol, I can get all kinds of beautiful ladies.” For women, the message is “If I drink this alcohol, I will look very sexy and good looking guys will be attracted to me.” These advertisements couldn’t be further from the truth. Alcohol is the most commonly used and widely abused drug in the world.  Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcoholism, an addiction to alcohol which is a chronic and sometimes deadly disease.